Sunday, December 13, 2015

Debbie Millman for Creative Mornings: The Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Graduated College

Though I have seen this talk multiple times previously, I find it more and more beneficial each time I watch it. Different lessons and notions Millman speaks of seem more relevant to my life every time I watch it, and I therefore come away from the video each time with an enhanced sense of clarity regarding one or more of the lessons she gives. The talk doesn't only provide clarity and understanding in terms of design, but life in general also. It is insightful, revealing 
and inspiring.

Stripped back to the basic 10 things Millman wish she knew when she graduated college are featured below:

1. Design talent is equivalent to operational excellence.
Provide empathy, talk about what you do in a way that allows viewers to understand your message. Understand your message and communicate it to others.

2. Design is not about design - it is about a lot of other things.
We need an encyclopaedic knowledge of the world. The client is looking for a return on their investment, the difference will it make in somebody’s life.

3. There are two things that are not really about what we think they are about; money and sex.
Money is rarely about money, convince them that the value you’ll provide will be valuable enough for them to pay for it.

4. Ideas are easy - Strategy is much harder.
Strategy is the unique point of difference. It is choosing activities differently. You should be able to communicate what you are doing and why you do what you do. 

5. know what you are talking about.
Tell the truth especially when you don’t know something. People love to teach

6. Common vocabulary does not equate to common behaviour.
Work on the design brief with the client to decide what the client language means.

7. Relentlessly prepare.
Prepare yourself for every possible outcome.

8. Beware of artificial harmony.
It allows you to come up with a game plan.

9. Seek out criticism.
Only use work that you love in your portfolio, don’t use fillers to show your skills. If you’re not making enough mistakes you’re not taking enough risks.

10. You need to know how to present.
Take a class - Talk about your work in a way that creates a framework and decide what your criteria for success is.

A further two quotes from Millman I love in this talk are:

“Busy is a way of organising you priorities if you really want to do something you’ll find the time to do it.”
“Take opportunities to continue to be educated”

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